Other Easy Ways To Support
Three easy ways you can support the David Glasser Foundation by doing what you are already doing!
Doing some grocery shopping? Hosting a party? Designate your Kroger/Fry’s Community Rewards to go to the David Glasser Foundation.
Follow these easy steps:
1. Enroll in the community rewards program using your VIP card.
2. Add the David Glasser Foundation as the organization you want to support. Our NPO number is 41949.
Shopping on Amazon? Use your Amazon Smile link when shopping on Amazon and percentage of your purchases will be donated to the David Glasser Foundation at no extra cost to you!
Here’s how to do it:
1. Follow this link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-5386860 to add the David Glasser Foundation as your charity of choice.
2. Whenever you shop on Amazon make sure to use this URL: smile.amazon.com.